Why Christians Support Israel Part 5: Biblical Reasons
The biblical basis for Christian support of Israel is extensive. The Torah, Psalms, prophetic books, and New Testament agree that God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are
Why Christians Support Israel Part 4: Legal Reasons
In spite of what you may hear, Israel’s founding is legally sound and had the support of the UN and the major international authorities of the day.
Why Christians Support Israel Part 3: Moral Reasons
Christian anti-Judaism developed into antisemitism, which paved the way for the Holocaust. Today, however, we have the opportunity to make amends and build a new relationship based
Why Christians Support Israel Part 2: Practical Reasons
There are many very practical reasons for any American to support Israel—the only stable democracy in a volatile region.
Why Christians Support Israel Part 1: Personal Reasons
Since the founding of Israel, millions of Christians have visited Israel and its holy sites, experiencing their Bible come alive and their faith renewed.
The Story That Began in Genesis Is Not Over
For some Christians there is a disconnect between the Old and New Testaments. However, the story that began in Genesis is still going on today, and we are called to be part of it.
Nothing Is Impossible with God
The Israelites began celebrating the miracle of the Exodus as soon as they left Egypt, and it became an annual weeklong feast now celebrated for 3,500 years.
Is Israel a Racist Apartheid State?
Amnesty International recently issued a report accusing Israel of being an apartheid state. The allegation is a critical issue. We must understand if this is true or not.
Was Israel Founded on Stolen Arab Land?
If "Israel was founded on stolen Arab land" Israel's founding is illegal. But do the facts support this accusation? Let’s consider a few facts to get to the truth...
The Bible’s Prescription for Anxiety
Life is full of concerns and troubles. Jesus understood this and told His followers not to be anxious about their daily cares or the future.
Why is Israel So Controversial?
There are two competing views of Israel: One that Israel is a miracle—the other, that it is a calamity. How can there be two polar opposite opinions, and what makes Israel so con
The Miracles of Israel
The story of the founding of Israel is really quite a fascinating one... It could be described as a perfect storm of global movements only God could have planned and orchestrated.