Host a Feast Watch Party
The Land of Promise - October 9-16, 2022

Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles with the ICEJ by gathering a group to watch online
“Then everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the Feast of Booths.” (Zechariah 14:16) We would like to extend a special invitation to you and your congregation or small group to attend the Feast of Tabernacles online, October 9-16, 2021, for an incredible experience like no other. With live Israeli worship and inspired speakers from around the world, you can celebrate and experience the Feast as if you were there in Jerusalem.
What is a Feast Watch Party?
A gathering of at least 10 people from your church, small group, or simply friends and family who get together for one night during the Feast of Tabernacles to watch online and experience together all that the Lord has in store during this appointed time. We will leave the outline for the night up to you and what will best work for your group but in addition to watching the 1–2 hour Feast of Tabernacles event, you can add dinner, snacks, live worship, or even your own live teaching on the Feast.
How do you sign up?
To get your special Feast Watch Party access code email John Vedder at or call our office at 615-895-9830.
How do you watch?
Online through the ICEJ’s Feast platform. You will want to log in before the party and learn how to find the program you will want to watch at your party.
When do you watch?
Due to the time difference from Israel to the United States, the Feast will be made available on demand each day for your viewing. This means that you and your group can decide what day and what event will best suit your group. Please check online for the schedule, and if you have any questions or would like a recommendation of which event to watch please reach out to us.
What is required to host a watch party?
• A group of 10 or more
• Report back to us the total amount in your group after watching
• Take up a special Feast offering that can be mailed to our US administrative office
• Get your Succah Building Starter Kit for your Feast Watch Party here:
If you meet the requirements and are approved, the ICEJ will give you a free registration coupon code to use as a way to say thank you for hosting a watch party.
Contact us today! Email: John Vedder – USA Church Relations Coordinator or call (615) 895-9830