Deepening the Church's understanding of Israel

Host a Seminar

The ICEJ is committed to telling the truth about Israel, and helping the church to understand the wonderful faithfulness of God through the fulfillment of His promises to the Jewish people.

Find out more about our series of educational seminars that help Christians grasp their place in God’s unfolding plan of redemption; how to relate to the Jewish people and the re-born state of Israel; and how to stand against the rising tide of anti-Semitism sweeping the globe.

Call (615) 895-9830 for more information about bringing an ICEJ Seminar or Speaker to your local church or community.

ICEJ USA Seminars

Your Place in History • The Importance of Israel • What God is Doing in the Islamic World • The Plight of the Persecuted Church • Miracles in the Middle East


Contact Us to Book This Seminar In Your Area >

As Christians, we are called to “be like the sons of Isachaar” to “understand the times” in which we live.

Discerning the Times is a unique half-day seminar designed to help Christians understand more about the days in which we live: the shift in Christianity away from historic anti-Semitism, the role of Israel, the rise of Islam, and the ways God is moving in the midst of it all.

This seminar will not only inform and inspire you, but will equip those in your local church community to:

  • Reject historical anti-Semitism
  • Grasp the miracle of Israel’s rebirth
  • Understand the growing influence of Islam
  • Pray for the persecuted church

A Pastor’s Perspective

“Every pastor needs this information. I have never before in my life experienced more biblical truth coupled with historical realities of the Middle East packed into a half-day seminar like this one. The time is now for this kind of teaching…”

Participant Testimonials

“It left me with awareness to lose my complacency and pay attention to spiritual events around the world…”

“I came away with a better world view of where the Church can help Israel and pray for the country…”

“A deeper insight into God’s plans for Jerusalem and for the world, and how I fit into His plans…”

The history, mystery & battle for Israel in our day

Contact us to book this seminar »

After 2,000 years of exile the Jewish people have returned to their ancient homeland. It is an unprecedented event – yet one clearly promised in the pages of scripture. Almost seven decades after Israel’s rebirth there is a global propaganda campaign seeking to rewrite history and delegitimize Israel.

This seminar provides the facts about Israel’s history, conflict, and biblical hope by offering scriptural answers to difficult questions, including:

  • Why did God choose Abraham?
  • Who are the modern day Israelis?
  • How did the current conflict begin?
  • Should the Church take sides?
  • What really motivates Christian Zionism?

Participant Testimonials

“Not only was this seminar one of the most impressive portraits of the history of Israel, but you connect her present day challenges so that a lay person could understand. Time flew by. I wanted to hear more…”

“The presentation was outstanding. Very easy to understand.”

“I found your program hugely informational and inspirational.”

Contact us to book this seminar »

When World War II ended and the full horror of Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ became known, the world made the vow: “Never Again.” In little over 60 years, anti-Semitism is once again on the rise across Europe, the Middle East and even here in the US.

Using a compelling combination of interactive media, eye-witness testimony and drama, For Such a Time as This puts a human face on the greatest of human tragedies, bringing home the stories of the victims and the heroes alike.

For Such a Time as This will equip you to become part of a generation that is willing to:

  1. Recognize the roots of antisemitism
  2. Learn from the heroes of the Holocaust
  3. Stand for truth, despite the cost
  4. Live for God in Such a Time as This

A Pastor’s Perspective

“It was a time of reflection for me as a pastor. It made me ask myself some very big questions about what I believe and what I am willing to do for Jesus… That seminar has forever put a mark on my heart about my passions, my faith, and my calling… It must be heard.”

Participant Testimonials

“The Seminar is a must for all truth-seeking Christians… professionally and passionately executed.”

“I cannot express how impressed we all were with every area of the seminar.”

The past decade has forced the US to come to terms with Islam like never before. The events of 9/11 and the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have deeply impacted our perspective. At the same time the influence and visibility of the American Muslim community has been steadily rising.

This seminar is designed to give insight into this very complex situation by explaining the history, development and worldview of Islam.  It will also help position the Church to “do what Jesus would do.”

Prepare for the challenge and grasp the opportunity facing America and your church today.

Request more information about hosting a seminar »

As young adults face an ever-changing culture and the attack on Judeo-Christian values at college campuses, ICEJ USA is connecting the younger generation with this life-changing seminar and tours to Israel. At the Israel Impact Seminar, we help young adults go beyond political narratives and the lens of western media regarding Israel and the Middle East.

During our Israel Impact Seminar we focus on 3 things:

  • Understanding the significance of Israel
  • Recognizing the modern trends of how our 80 million American Millennials view Israel
  • Learning ways to respond to the rise of global anti-Semitism in our generation

The attention of the earth is again focused on the region where God began His story of redemption. The controversy around Jerusalem is no longer a regional conflict. It’s a global conflict and it will require this generation to answer serious questions about Israel, Judeo-Christian beliefs, and the nations.

To invite ICEJ USA to present an Israel Impact Seminar at your church, young adult group, or college campus call 888-772-7732 ext. 742 or email us by clicking here.