Response by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

An Open Letter to America's Christian Zionists

Dear Drs. Gushee & Stassen,

It is with appreciation that we read ‘An Open Letter to America’s Christian Zionists’ released on September 19, 2011, which calls for serious evaluation and response. We herewith include our response as an organization which has been on the forefront of the global Christian Zionist movement for the past 31 years.

ICEJ Response to ‘Open Letter’

View ICEJ Press Statement »
‘Stop justifying poor theology in the name of justice’
Download Full Response to the ‘Open Letter’ (pdf) »

Evangelical Scholars’ Response

Dr. Jack Hayford & Dr. Richard Land are among the key Evangelical leaders from almost a dozen institutions that have publicly endorsed the ICEJ response to the Fuller ‘Open Letter’ debate.
Scholars & Leader’s Response »

In your Open Letter you claimed, amongst other things, that Christian Zionists are not only sinful but produce sin and will be the cause of any upcoming war against Israel including a nuclear attack by Iran.  Astonishingly, these harsh and unfounded accusations appear to be based on little more than a brief “peacemaking” tour of the so-called “Occupied Territories” this past summer together with a group of 50 students from Fuller Theological Seminary.

It is our view that your conclusions not only demonstrate a flawed understanding of biblical justice, but a degree of theological inconsistency and historical ignorance that are deeply troubling in professors of your standing in such highly respected institutions such as Fuller and Mercer.

Our response is written from the vantage point of being located “on the ground” in Jerusalem from where we have been engaged in the issues raised in your ‘Open Letter’, as well as with the various people groups involved in those issues for over three decades. Our support for Israel does not mean that we think Israel is perfect, or that we blindly support all of her policies.  She has many good policies and some bad—like all states do.  We tremble not over God’s promise to judge Israel and correct her when necessary (Jer. 30:11), but His ultimate judgment of the nations for their treatment of Israel and the Jewish people (Isa. 60:12; Joel 3:2; Matt. 25:31-40).

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem knowing that the answer to that prayer will mean great blessing for both Arabs and Jews—in fact, all the world.  We encourage Christians to love all the peoples of the Middle East and to pray for them and particularly for our Christian Arab brothers and sisters. But if we want to help bring justice to the Palestinian people then we need to be honest and admit that their problem is not Israel but their own corrupt and cowardly leaders and we need to call for those leaders to lay down their goal of eradicating Israel, recognize her right to exist as a Jewish state and broker an agreement for the sake of the Palestinian people.

We hope that this letter will help you develop a deeper, more theologically-grounded and less partisan appreciation of the complexities facing the modern-day State of Israel, her quest for peace and enduring place in the plan of God for the redemption of all mankind.

In Christ,


Dr. Susan Michael          Dr. Jürgen Bühler                               Rev. Malcolm Hedding
ICEJ USA Director          ICEJ Interim Executive Director     ICEJ Vice Chairman

Attachments: Detailed ICEJ Response to the ‘Open Letter’ (Downloadable pdf) »

Delegitimizing Israel

Israel is currently facing an unprecedented campaign of delegitimization and Christians need to know how to respond…. Learn more »

Persecution of Christians

Islamic extremism is responsible for the persecution of Christians and oppression of women throughout the Middle East. The ICEJ helps Palestinian Christians, Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia, and African refugees who have fled Muslim warlords in Sudan and persecution in Egypt. Learn more »