Hear from leading experts from around the world
Going Deeper Interview Series
Join Susan Michael for this series of Going Deeper interviews with leading experts in their field. Susan and leading experts from around the world will discuss topics relevant for today. From archaeological evidence for biblical events to the modern Jewish perspective of their meaning, join Susan for these lively, informative discussions.
The Daily Bible with F. LaGard Smith
With so many different Bibles available today, it is good to know the best ones for specific purposes. When it comes to reading through the Bible from start to finish, the job has been made much easier by F. LaGard Smith in his Daily Bible. Learn how this Bible has changed lives and hear LaGard’s personal story of a project birthed by one simple statement made by his father.
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Isaiah’s Message For Today with Kay Arthur
Renowned Bible teacher, Kay Arthur, shares her love for the book of Isaiah and the lasting message it has carried across millennia. It speaks to the very days in which we live and instructs us how to live our lives. Let Isaiah speak to you as Kay shares from his phenomenal book.
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The Tabernacle at Shiloh with Dr. Scott Stripling
Susan interviews Dr. Scott Stripling the director of excavations at ancient Shiloh. He describes the exciting archaeological evidence he has uncovered pointing to a sacrificial system at Shiloh and verifying the history of the city found in the Bible.
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Evidence of the Conquest with Tim Mahoney
Susan interviews Tim Mahoney, film producer of Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus and Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea. Find out about the archaeological finds at Jericho and other sites in the Israelite conquest of the land of Canaan as well as the controversy over their date.
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Crossing the Jordan with Dr. Chris McKinny
Susan interviews Dr. Chris McKinny about the layers of meaning behind the 40 year wilderness wanderings and the crossing of the Jordan river. They also discuss prophetic insight into future events that take place at that very location of the crossing of the Jordan.
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Loving the Law with Rabbi Shmuel Bowman
Susan interviews Rabbi Shmuel Bowman about his work as a Torah Scribe and what Torah means to the Jewish people. He describes certain commandments and how they are observed today.
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The Meaning of Passover with Rabbi Shmuel Bowman
Susan interviews Rabbi Shmuel Bowman who shares the meaning of the Passover events and annual celebration from his perspective as an orthodox Rabbi living in Israel.
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The Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant with Dr. Chris McKinny
Susan interviews Dr. Chris McKinny, a scholar and professor, about the meaning and significance of the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant as well as their historical and cultural context.
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Evidence of the Exodus with Tim Mahoney
Susan interviews Tim Mahoney, film producer of Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus and Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea. Find out about the possible locations for the events of the exodus and the Red Sea crossing.
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Evidence of Joseph in Egypt with Tim Mahoney
Susan interviews Tim Mahoney, film producer of Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. Find out about the exciting archaeological finds in Egypt that could corroborate the biblical account if only dating discrepancies could be solved.
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We all have questions, and it seems that with everything going on in the world these days we have more questions than ever. Here at Israel Answers we want to help you find answers. Join us here each week as we connect Israel, the Bible and you! Once you understand what God is doing you will understand what you need to do! Bring your questions and together we will find the answers on Israel Answers.
Join Susan Michael on a walk through the Bible. Read through the Bible in a year using the acclaimed Daily Bible accompanied by Susan’s weekly Out of Zion podcast commentary. Each weekly episode will review what we read that week along with interesting artifacts or background that make the text come alive. If you ever wanted to read through the Bible in one year, this is your opportunity.
Join Susan Michael on a walk through the Bible. Read through the Bible in a year using the acclaimed Daily Bible accompanied by Susan’s weekly Out of Zion podcast commentary. Each weekly episode will review what we read that week along with interesting artifacts or background that make the text come alive. If you ever wanted to read through the Bible in one year, this is your opportunity.
Join Susan Michael for the 3D Jesus Series and take a journey to the first century world of Jesus where His life and ministry come alive. God was at work for thousands of years setting the stage for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus. Hear the story, visualize the events, and understand the purpose of Jesus’ mission and why He must return.
Join Susan Michael for the 3D Bible Series and take a journey to the world of the Bible—where it comes alive and can change your life. We live in an increasingly secular society that questions everything about the Christian faith. Learn how to find the answers you are looking for about the authenticity of the Bible, the amazing story it tells, and what it means for you.
Comments & Questions
We hope you are enjoying the Out of Zion show. We value our listeners and want to hear your questions and which topics you’d like to see addressed in future episodes. Please send comments and feedback to Susan by clicking the button below.
More about Susan
Dr. Susan Michael is USA Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and host of the Out of Zion podcast. For more than 35 years, Susan has pioneered the development of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in the United States and around the world. READ SUSAN’S BIO HERE
Susan’s blog, Connecting Israel, the Bible and You, includes articles on a variety of Israel-related topics such as Lessons from the Land, anti-Semitism, and Current Events Impacting the Middle East. READ SUSAN’S BLOG HERE