ICEJ Webinar Series
Will the Gaza Ceasefire Hold?
After several days of intense rocket barrages from Gaza into Israel, a fragile ceasefire is in place. Who was launching the rockets and why? How do Israeli communities along the Gaza border cope with these repeated rocket attacks? And is the current truce going to hold?
On this ICEJ Weekly Webinar David Parsons, ICEJ Vice President & Senior International Spokesman spoke with Ofir Libshtein, Mayor of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council to answer these questions and more.
Recorded: Thursday, August 11th
I welcome you to join us for other informative webinars featuring global leaders speaking on topics specifically geared for Israel-minded Christians join us each Thursday.
Recent topics have included:
- Update and Teaching on Aliyah
- Lessons from the Olive Tree of Romans Chapter 11
- Are the Saudis Close to Peace with Israel?
- The Biden Visit
- The Blessing of Abraham
- Is Israel Winning It’s Shadow War with Iran
- Paul the Jewish Apostle
- The Church and the Kingdom of God- Pentecost/Shavuot – Part 2
- The Birth of the Church – Pentecost/Shavuot – Part 1
- Jerusalem Day
- Turf War Over the Temple Mount
- The Global Reach of Christian Zionism
- Israel’s Rebirth as a Nation – The Global Impact: A Yom Ha’Atzmaut Special
- The Power of Resurrection
- The Passover Connection: Pesach and Passion Week
- The Importance of the Negev Summit
- First Hand Accounts of Rescuing Holocaust Survivors from Ukraine
- Impact of the Ukraine Conflict on Israel
- Ukraine and the Message of Purim
These webinars take place on Zoom:
We hope you can join us.
For Zion’s sake,
Susan Michael
USA Director