Help protect Jewish lives
Bomb Shelters

You can be a part of an amazing witness of Christian love in Israel by donating toward the purchase of bomb shelters in Israel.
How does it work?
When a rocket is launched from enemy territory, Israeli defense systems detect the signal, and air raid sirens blast throughout the neighborhoods in jeopardy. A neighborhood’s proximity to the launch site determines the amount of time residents have to seek shelter.
Why do bomb shelters matter?
Any Israeli caught on the street—children walking home from school, mothers strolling their babies, families running errands, the elderly taking the bus—must find immediate shelter, sometimes with only 15–20 seconds’ notice. Bomb shelters provided by the ICEJ can protect up to 45 people depending on the size of the shelter!
How much do they cost?
$26,000 which includes production and installation costs. Every dollar donated helps us reach our goal of placing as many as possible! We need your immediate help.
How is a bomb shelter a Christian witness?
Your donation goes toward a project aimed at saving lives. You can be assured that these bomb shelters will be used and they will be effective. Each bomb shelter donated by the ICEJ has a plaque which clearly tells Israelis that this shelter was donated by Christians who support them. This is a great testimony as many Israelis do not know of our love and support.