A Feast Watched Around the World

By Dr. Jürgen Bühler

The ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles for 2021 concluded on Monday with a powerful time of preaching and worship on Mount Carmel. We are receiving so much positive feedback from those who joined us for this year’s Sukkot journey around Israel, and by all indications it was a great success and blessing to many throughout the world.

One amazing development at this year’s Feast was the way hundreds of churches, ministries, prayer groups, Bible study groups, and families built their own succahs (booths) and held Feast watch parties in their nations. There were tens of thousands of Christians around the globe who were able to join us in this way on all continents. The succahs were beautifully decorated. (View slide show above.) And at many of these Feast watch parties, our national branches or other hosts not only screened the eight daily Feast programs from Israel, but also included a time for local worship teams and speakers, while others added in seminar teachings for their guests. 

Even though the Feast week is over, you can still register for the Feast online packages which remain available or upgrade your existing package until December 2021, which will give you access to all of the Feast content until the end of June 2022. 

We don’t know what theses next twelve months will bring but it is my heart-felt hope that we will celebrate together … next year in Jerusalem!

While the Feast celebration is over, you can still make an offering that will bless the Jewish people in the month’s to come.