ICEJ Feast 2022 Day 7 Highlights
Watch this video to enjoy the highlights from Day 7 the ICEJ’s 2022 Feast of Tabernacles celebration held at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.
The Communion service held in this serene garden setting is always a very special part of the ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles. On Day Seven of our Feast, in this peaceful surrounding, the morning centered around “The Fellowship of His Suffering.”
Leading us into the sweet presence of the Lord were anointed Worship leaders Trevor Sampson, from South Africa, the Sounds of the Nations coming from Fiji, plus Saeid Miryaghoobi and Peyman Mojtahedi, two Iranian-born worship leaders performing in Persian. Meanwhile, Communion was shared by Arab pastor Naim Khoury from Bethlehem and Jewish pastor Avraham Ben Hod from Israel.
As our Feast pilgrims gathered around the visibly empty tomb, our hearts were fully focused on the Lord’s crucifixion, death, burial, and powerful resurrection as we partook of the Communion elements.
The morning’s message was given by Andrew Brunson from the USA. He is a pastor who was living and ministering in Turkey for 23 years. His ministry is focused on the Muslim world, the persecuted Church and preparing believers to stand in difficult times. He spoke on his sufferings and struggles while imprisoned for two years in Turkey under false charges of terrorism, when in reality he was jailed for sharing the Gospel with the Turkish people.
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