The Call From the Garden – Passion Week Lessons From Jerusalem – Part 2
In this video we explore Jesus’ anguished prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion. We will hear from Succat Hallel prayer house founder, Rick Ridings about the significance of Jesus’ prayer in the garden and the impact of prayer on our lives. Later in the video, Dr. Juergen Buehler will share about God’s call to us to stay close to Him through prayer.
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Our special five-part video teaching series “Passion Week” will bring to life Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem over the Mount of Olives; His agony in prayer at Gethsemane; His trial before Pilate at Herod’s Palace; His death on Calvary; and the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day! Join us at the very locations in Jerusalem where Jesus spent his last week of ministry, poured out His life for our redemption, and rose in triumph over death and the grave.