C-o-n-n-e-c-t-i-n-g Pastors with what God is Doing in Israel
By: John Vedder, Church Relations Coordinator

Taking pastors and ministry leaders to Israel is one of the great privileges of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. We understand just how important it is to have a proper biblical perspective of the nation and people of Israel, and there is no better place to teach about God’s purpose and plan for Israel than in the Land itself. That is why we were so encouraged to partner with Dr. Randall Smith, founder and director of the Christian Travel Study Program, in taking a group of pastors this year. We spent 10 days traveling throughout Israel and investing in the lives of these pastors by opening the Word of God with them and reading Scripture together.
While in the Land, we love to connect them with what God is currently doing in and among the people of Israel. On this trip, we did this by visiting the Kfar Etzion community south of Jerusalem. We watched an incredibly moving documentary about the struggle the Jews have had since beginning to return in more significant numbers in the early 1900s. A story that begins in tragedy with the slaughter of many men and women defending their homes ends in redemption: as their children return home after the 1967 war and rebuild what had been torn down. This small story speaks volumes about the Jews’ resilience in the face of hatred and points us toward God’s faithfulness to keep His promise to His people. In Ezekiel 36 God promises the Jews that He will return them to their land and restore them to it. We see the fulfillment of that promise in our days. It does not mean that the journey will be easy for the Jews, but it does point again and again to God’s power and faithfulness to keep His Word.

Through world-class teaching, many shared meals, personal interactions with the people, and personal reflection, these pastors went home with a deeper understanding and personal connection to and love for the Jewish people. As this group departed Israel at the end of their tour, many shared a similar sentiment of how impactful this trip had been for them personally and for their ministries back home.
We at the ICEJ want to thank everyone who partners with us in our calling and purpose to love and bless the Jewish people. We do that in many ways, and one of the most important is by educating and connecting those in ministry to Israel. This trip, designed specifically for pastors and those in ministry positions, is integral to the work of the ICEJ. With God’s blessing and guidance, we look forward to taking another group of pastors in 2024.
To send a pastor or sponsor a pastor so they can go, contact our tours department at (615) 895-9830.