A Purim Message For the American Church
The Jewish world will celebrate Purim this month and remember the heroism of a young Jewish woman...
God Saw the Affliction of His People (Week 4)
The story of the Israelites in Egypt and their exodus out of the nation that enslaved them for 400 years is one full of miracles.
Joseph’s Prophetic Role (Week 3)
We all have bad days here and there. But every once in a while, tragedy may strike... It can be so bad it causes us to question whether God is with us or not.
Raw Honesty of the Bible (Week 2)
The Bible is often portrayed as mythology. But when I read the stories in the Bible, I find such gut-wrenching honesty that I am confident it is true.
The Watershed Moment that Changed the World (Week 1)
The biblical narrative is so full of fascinating stories and epic tales that the overarching story-behind-the-stories can easily be lost...