What can you do to support Israel?

What Can YOU Do to Support Israel?

Here are five important ways that you can stand with Israel.

For Americans, it can often feel like there is little we can do to support Israel in its struggle for survival. While Israel’s soldiers and border police work tirelessly to protect the Jewish state from terrorism and military threats, supporters of the Jewish State around the world are also a critical – and powerful – force for safeguarding its future.

Here are five important ways that you can stand with Israel.

Get Educated

Israel’s adversaries have used boycott and propaganda campaigns to spread lies and demonize the Jewish state in the media, in church communities, and on college campuses. You can be an advocate to correct these lies – one person at a time –but first, you have to have a firm grasp of the facts. Learn more about Israel’s democratic values, its commitment to protecting human rights, and its remarkable advancements in medicine and high-tech so that you can effectively spread the word to your family, friends, and congregation. IsraelAnswers.com is a good place to start!

Get Politically Active

Make sure that your elected representatives know that you are a strong supporter of Israel and the U.S.-Israel relationship. Call. Write. Engage on social media. Join delegations to Washington. Write letters to the editor. Make your voice heard!

Pray for Israel

Join hundreds of millions of Christians who pray for peace in Jerusalem, the security and prosperity of the State of Israel, and the strengthening of the US-Israeli relationship through the ICEJ’s Isaiah 62 global prayer movement. Sign up here to receive prayer points each month.

Visit Israel

Visit Israel on your own or as a member of a solidarity mission. It will deepen your understanding of the Jewish State – the land of the Bible – while showing powerful support for Israel’s people. If you are unable to go, send someone from your church, perhaps your Pastor or Youth Leader. Let Israel impact their lives and your entire church as a result. For information on the ICEJ’s various tours to Israel click here.

Bless Israel

You can bless Israel financially by supporting humanitarian aid projects such as the ICEJ’s Haifa Home for Holocaust Survivors, ICEJ’s food programs to feed the hungry, or ICEJ’s Israel in Crisis fund that places portable bomb shelters in vulnerable communities.

Do you have a question about Israel? Visit us at IsraelAnswers.com and get it answered!

—by Susan Michael, ICEJ USA Director