Was Israel Founded on Stolen Arab Land?
If "Israel was founded on stolen Arab land" Israel's founding is illegal. But do the facts support this accusation? Let’s consider a few facts to get to the truth...
The Bible’s Prescription for Anxiety
Life is full of concerns and troubles. Jesus understood this and told His followers not to be anxious about their daily cares or the future.
Why is Israel So Controversial?
There are two competing views of Israel: One that Israel is a miracle—the other, that it is a calamity. How can there be two polar opposite opinions, and what makes Israel so con
The Miracles of Israel
The story of the founding of Israel is really quite a fascinating one... It could be described as a perfect storm of global movements only God could have planned and orchestrated.
Celebrating Esther
Most of us are familiar with the book of Esther. But few of us understand the true significance of this story.
Connecting the Bible to Israel Today
Many of us are familiar with the Judaism of the Bible, but few of us understand how it has developed over time and how it differs today.
Defeating Anxiety and Fear
Many of us have suffered fear, isolation, and loss during the pandemic...Anxiety is a strong emotion—a mixture of worry, doubt, and fear—but at its root is a lack of faith.
The Blessing of a Little Shabbat Shalom
If you long for a little peace in your life, too, a weekly time of rest and quiet might help bring that about.
The Beginning and the End (Week 53)
This week we reach the end of the Bible and can, therefore, better understand the beginning!
The Key to Revelation (Week 52)
The key to understanding the sequence of events in the book of Revelation seems to be the Old Testament event of the Exodus or Passover.
Which Women Was Paul Talking About? (Week 51)
Was Paul really saying women were not to teach or exercise authority over a man, or that the women were not to teach a certain false doctrine popular in Ephesus?
Paul the Roman Citizen (Week 50)
As a Roman citizen, Paul was uniquely qualified for a pioneering work...taking the good news of a Jewish Messiah to the pagan, gentile Roman Empire.