
Giving Hope to Israeli Families in Ashdod and Jerusalem

By Anastasiya Gooding


Through our “Giving a Future and a Hope” programs, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem offers practical assistance and a brighter tomorrow to disadvantaged Israeli families through social projects. In recent weeks, this included helping to feed hundreds of Israeli households in the Ashdod and Jerusalem areas who have been severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Over recent years, the ICEJ has helped sponsor a food assistance project through Beit Hallel, a help center in Ashdod that assists new immigrants, Holocaust Survivors, single mothers, and other disadvantaged citizens of Israel. Since the coronavirus lockdowns began last year, this assistance has become more necessary than ever. Last week, 10 of our Jerusalem staff also paid a visit to Ashdod in southern Israel to help fill food packages for 300 area households in need.

Jacques, one of the organizers, greeted our team with great anticipation. That day they had only a small group of people to prepare food packages for distribution and were therefore grateful for our ICEJ staff who came to fill the gap and complete the packaging.

“This humanitarian work demonstrates the love which Christians have for the poor and needy here in Israel,” Jacques explained. He added that the help center reaches 1,250 Israeli families every month, which is only possible because of friends and supporters like the Christian Embassy.

How wonderful it was to join forces to help those in need! When our team arrived, work was in full swing. It was amazing that our staff could work together with several local volunteers. And how pleasant our surprise when Lydia, another volunteer, shared her story with us.

Lydia made Aliyah two-and-a-half years ago, and it was the ICEJ who helped her make the journey home. She was so excited to meet with the ICEJ team and expressed her gratitude to the Christian Embassy for helping in one of the most important steps in her life.

Throughout the entire day, an extraordinary atmosphere of friendship and support reigned. In conclusion, Oleg, the head of the help center, expressed his gratitude.

“Every person who receives this help knows that they have Christian friends all over the world who love them, pray for them, and who help them from the bottom of their hearts. Thank you! You are a great blessing and help to us,” he said.

As part of our “Giving a Future and a Hope” aid program, the ICEJ recently delivered food packages to 30 struggling Arab families living on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The community there has been hit hard due to the coronavirus pandemic, which completely stopped tourism to Israel—one of the primary financial sources for the Jerusalem Arab community.

Over recent months, a generous invite allowed the ICEJ team to operate elements of our global prayer ministry from the “Father’s House,” a house of prayer on the Mount of Olives with an amazing view of the Eastern Gate and Temple Mount. Relationships built in our time there helped open a door of opportunity for us to lend a helping hand to our Arab neighbors during this difficult time.

Thank you for your generous giving, which allows us to bless the people of Israel in many practical ways. Our “Giving Hope” programs provide needy Israelis with educational and economic empowerment, lift children from broken homes and youths at risk, promote coexistence among all segments of Israeli society, and assist struggling new immigrants and minority communities.

If you want to be a part of offering practical aid and broader opportunities toward a brighter future to Israelis in need, please donate today.