Does the House Bill Opposing Antisemitism Outlaw Parts of the New Testament?
Recently, the US House of Representatives passed a bill to enforce federal anti-discrimination laws on campuses. The bill, called the Antisemitism Awareness Act, requires universit
Is Israel Using Famine as a Weapon of War?
By ICEJ USA Director Dr. Susan Michael After the brutal attack on Israel on October 7, lies about Israel that were already circulating before the war intensified, and as the battle
Was Gaza an Open-Air Prison?
Many claim that Israel’s disengagement from Gaza in 2005 turned it into an open-air prison. Is this true? Consider a few claims used to support this lie and what has really been
Is Israel Occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip?
Palestinians describe Israel as an “occupier,” which places the Israel-Palestinian conflict in the context of an oppressor and the oppressed. Learn history that clarifies what
Is Zionism “Settler Colonialism”?
Charactering Zionism as a “settler colonial” enterprise is based on false information and a skewed view of history. It is a lie political in nature that does not describe Israe
Pivotal Moments in Jewish-Christian Relations
This historic partnership affirmed to our nation’s political leaders the breadth and depth of American support for Israel, but it also demonstrated something new: a blossoming re
The Double Standards of the Gaza War
The world’s response to Israel’s war with Hamas that began on October 7 is nothing short of a travesty ...
5 Lies about Israel and Its Birth as a Nation in 1948
Since becoming a state in 1948, Israel’s enemies have continually attempted to defeat and discredit the Jewish State ...
Hitler’s Big Lie Technique: Who Is Really Committing Genocide?
The “big lie” is an expression Adolf Hitler coined to describe his technique of telling a lie ...
Do the Israel Defense Forces Violate International Law?
Do the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) violate international war law? Read how Israel incorporates International Humanitarian Law (IHL) into their basic doctrine.
Antisemitic Tropes in Full Force Today
An antisemitic trope is a myth or sensational report, misrepresentation, or lie defamatory toward Judaism or the Jewish people as an ethnic or religious group. Part 2 in a 2-Part S
What Are Antisemitic Tropes?
An antisemitic trope is a myth or sensational report, misrepresentation, or lie defamatory toward Judaism or the Jewish people as an ethnic or religious group. Part 1 in a 2-Part S