
ICEJ USA Feast Tour

By: John Vedder. Church Relations Coordinator


In a world that is changing faster than it seems we can keep up, it is a blessing to have something concrete we can count on. That is one of the beautiful things about the Feast of Tabernacles and the yearly calendar the Lord has set out. There is comfort in knowing that no matter what the world economy does or how the stock market looks today, the Lord is already preparing for next year’s Feast of Tabernacles—and 2023 was no different. The Lord went before us and walked with us as we took a group from ICEJ USA to join in the Feast in Jerusalem.

We started our journey arriving at Ben Gurion airport and made our way to the Dead Sea hotel by way of a pit stop for lunch on Mount Scopus overlooking the old city of Jerusalem. After touring Masada, Ein Gedi, and Qumran, we turned north and stayed a few nights overlooking the Sea of Galilee. We gathered for times of devotion, prayer, and worship at locations like Magdala, Capernaum, and while riding a wooden boat on the Sea of Galilee. In the evenings we gathered with a couple thousand friends in an outside theatre to proclaim Jesus is the King over all the earth! We worshiped with what seemed like every tribe and tongue. We cried. We laughed. We hugged strangers who became family in one instant. And we met with the Lord.

From the Galilee we set our faces to Jerusalem, where we spent the next five days walking the old streets and touching the stones that Jesus himself would have likely touched. We sat next to walls hundreds of years old that were crying out the faithfulness of God. In the mornings we enjoyed world-class speakers who taught on subjects like interacting with AI from a Christian perspective, the biblical significance of the Feast, God’s purpose for Israel in the coming days and much more. In the afternoons we fellowshipped together over lunches and, one afternoon, participated in the Jerusalem March to show our love and support for the people of Israel. Thousands of children flocked the streets wanting our little American flags and hoping for a smile and a wave. In the evenings we gathered at the Pais Arena with what was now our closest friends from around the world.

As our time in Jerusalem ended, we lamented that we would have to leave this wonderful city and return home, but we knew that we were returning home changed. After having met with the living God, the Alpha and Omega, we could return filled to overflowing with the Spirit of God.

What we did not know was that as our flight was midair returning home, Satan would unleash one of the worst attacks on the Jewish people in many generations. As we landed at JFK airport at 4:00 a.m., we turned our phones on to hear the news from our friends back in Israel. It was no accident that Hamas terrorists attacked on October 7—they intended to cripple Israel and believed they could be victorious. They were mistaken. They forgot the God of Israel is the same yesterday, today, and forever more. He is never shaken and never sleeps.

The Feast teaches us many things. One thing I took away from this year’s event is the faithfulness of God throughout the generations. In a world that fights in opposition to God and His Word, we can hold fast, knowing that He has already won the battle. God will be in Jerusalem next year, waiting for us to return to meet Him at the Feast of Tabernacles—and we look forward to that day in great anticipation.

Join us for our 2024 tour to Israel for the Feast of Tabernacles. Call us today at 866-393-5890 for more information.