Haifa Home: Never a Dull Moment
Another three residents from Ukraine have moved into our Home—Anatoly and Maya from Charkov, and Natali, who arrived in Israel last week from Odesa.
The transition from a life in Ukraine to Israel is certainly not easy, but when we visited Maya in her new home, she kept saying: “Everyone is so loving and caring for us here. We feel grateful and overwhelmed.” Two of our new residents went on a shopping trip with our volunteers to IKEA. They had never been to such a huge store and had the time of their life. Volunteers also took them on a sightseeing tour through Haifa to help them get accustomed to their new surroundings.
A Makeover
An Israeli TV 13 film team surprised Shela—who fled Charkov, Ukraine, and had to leave everything behind—with a day out where they spoiled her as much as they could. In the meantime, a team of workers repainted her apartment and put new furniture in it. They even had managed to take pictures and other items from her home in Charkov. At the end of the day, when they returned Shela to her apartment, she had the surprise of her life. Delighted and touched to tears, she noticed the pictures of her husband and daughter (both have passed away) and the beautiful new look of her apartment.
The program about Shela was recently broadcasted on Israeli TV.
Engineers Who Know How to Cook
The dining room was abuzz when a group of engineers from the oil refinery in Haifa decided to come and cook with our residents. They had prepared special aprons and did a cooking workshop with confectioner and chef Eyal Weizman. Talking and preparing the food together was so much fun. They prepared several courses, including cupcakes, snacks, and the main meal. The residents were grateful that they not only cooked for them but also sat down to talk and get to know them. Zelda, one of our residents, said: “It was wonderful to cook together with these young people, especially because I loved to cook all my life.” The day also impacted the engineers, and I am sure they will be back.
From Iran With Love
S. was born and grew up in Iran in a Muslim family. He was raised with deep hatred toward the Jewish people and Israel and was one of the people that used to shout, “Death to Israel.” However, he became a believer later in life, left Iran, and fled to the United Kingdom. God completely changed his heart and gave him a heart full of love for Israel and the Jewish people instead of the hate that used to fill his heart.
While in Israel he wanted to speak to the Holocaust Survivors and share with them how much he loves then and appreciates all they have done for the Jewish State. The residents were touched by his story and grateful that he came to share it with them. Because his life and his family’s life back in Iran are still in danger, we cannot publish his real name and picture.
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