Webinars Will Resume January 16th

Every week at 9am (ET) we provide timely webinars on topics of interest to those who love Israel, pray for the Middle East, and desire to be informed. Our weekly webinars will begin this calendar year on Thursday, January 16th.
I welcome you to join us for informative webinars featuring global leaders speaking on topics specifically geared for Israel-minded Christians join us each Thursday at 9:00am (ET).
Recent Topics have Included:
- Ending the Israel Hate-Fest at the UN
- From Festival to Festival
- Deitrich Bonfoeffer on the Christ-Centered Life
- The Kindling of Biblical Zionism
- The Contradictions of Paul
- Yom Kippur Webinar
- Rosh Hashanah Webinar
- The Tragedy of Afghanistan
- Possessing the Gates of our Enemies I & II
- The New Israeli Government
- Resurrection and First Fruits
- Passover and the Cross
- The Israeli Elections
- The ICC Decision Against Israel
- The Christian Role in Israel’s Rebirth
- Christians and the Holocaust
These webinars take place on Zoom: on.icej.org/ICEJWebinar.
We hope you can join us.
For Zion’s sake,
Susan Michael
USA Director