Israel’s Case for Dismantling Hamas Rule in Gaza
Who is Hamas? Why Did Hamas Attack? Who is Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?...
What Is Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah?
On Simchat Torah, the entire Jewish community assembles and expresses deep joy in having received it...
Putting Color Back Into Tanya’s Life
Like others under the watchful eye of ICEJ Homecare, Tanya has not walked alone...
Opening New Horizons for Young Israelis
Horizons was launched in 2022. It quickly mushroomed and includes 554 Israeli Arab women and men...
ICEJ Brings Ukrainian Youth on Latest Aliyah Flight
The ICEJ welcomed to Israel a group of 25 Jewish high school students from war-torn Ukraine...
HEAVEN REIGNS! The Lord is “King of all the Earth”
This year’s Feast theme comes from the book of Psalms, where the sons of Korah declare...