Director of Development

Natalie Adams

Natalie Adams

Natalie has a heart for the Lord dating back to her first encounter with God at the age of 12, but He began working in her life long before that. Natalie grew up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and went on to receive her undergraduate degree in Business Administration and her MBA from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her 15-year career in nonprofit development extends from managing a foundation in the energy industry to university development, including serving as a university vice president. Before that, she worked in marketing and real estate in the resort areas of Maryland and Delaware.

“Visiting Israel is a lifelong dream of mine, and I’m thrilled to make my first trip in September of this year. There is nothing better than talking with believers every day about God’s plan for His people and how we can further His work together. I’m honored and blessed that God has brought this opportunity my way. ICEJ is an amazing organization that is dedicated to comforting the people of Israel, and its supporters have true hearts of gold.”

Natalie enjoys traveling and hiking with her husband, Mike. She is also a chocolatier and loves making and sharing sweet treats. They are recent empty nesters, live in Tulsa, and see their four grown children regularly.

Natalie looks forward to connecting with more ICEJ supporters across the United States.