Host a seminar at your church or college campus (Ages 18-30)
Israel Impact Seminar
As young adults face an ever-changing culture and the attack on Judeo-Christian values at college campuses, ICEJ USA is connecting the younger generation with this life-changing seminar and tours to Israel. At the Israel Impact Seminar, we help young adults go beyond political narratives and the lens of western media regarding Israel and the Middle East.
During our Israel Impact Seminar we focus on 3 things:
- Understanding the significance of Israel
- Recognizing the modern trends of how our 80 million American Millennials view Israel
- Learning ways to respond to the rise of global anti-Semitism in our generation
The attention of the earth is again focused on the region where God began His story of redemption. The controversy around Jerusalem is no longer a regional conflict. It’s a global conflict and it will require this generation to answer serious questions about Israel, Judeo-Christian beliefs, and the nations.
To invite ICEJ USA to present an Israel Impact Seminar at your church, young adult group, or college campus call 888-772-7732 ext. 742 or email us by clicking here.