Yom Huledet Sameach—Happy Birthday, Israel!

As a token of support on Israel’s diamond jubilee birthday of 75 years, we are gathering birthday greetings across the globe to send to Israel’s leaders.

Will you show your support by signing this birthday card?

We want to collect 100,000 names—will you be one name NOW?

To: President Herzog, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the people of Israel

On behalf of Christians across the world, we want to wish you a happy 75th birthday!

May God continue to shine His favor and blessings upon you.

The International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem (ICEJ) represents Christians around the world who stand with Israel and the Jewish people based on biblical principles and promises. Founded in 1980, the ICEJ recognized the modern-day restoration of Israel as the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant promises to the Jewish people.

P.O. Box 332974
Murfreesboro, TN 37133-2974

(615) 895-9830


© Copyright 2022
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem – USA, Inc.