Bomb shelters for Kindergartens
"Today we owe you. You come and save our lives, the lives of our kids. We truly thank you for ...
Kibbutz Usha Bomb Shelter Donation
The Christian Embassy has ordered another thirty new portable bomb shelters for delivery to Israeli ...
ICEJ Orders 30 Bomb Shelters
ICEJ orders 30 more bomb shelters for vulnerable Israeli border towns Focus of security assistance ...
Comfort in Conflict
In the aftermath of the recent rocket war with Gaza, the ICEJ staff had the opportunity to deliver ...
ICEJ Delivers on Promise to Support Southern Israel
In the aftermath of the recent rocket war with Gaza, the ICEJ staff had the opportunity to deliver ...
ICEJ Bolsters Israeli Security and First-Responders During Gaza Border Tour
With the Hamas rocket war against Israel now in its eighth day, the International Christian ...
Bomb Shelters Save Lives
With the Hamas rocket war against Israel now in its eighth day, the International Christian ...
ICEJ Expanding Response to Crisis in Israel
With the Hamas rocket war against Israel now in its eighth day, the International Christian ...
Urgent: Give Israelis Life-Saving Bomb Shelters
We have all watched with great concern over recent days as Israel has been pulled into ...